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In Doors, you can lock and unlock doors, open and close garage doors, and add and remove deadbolts and garage doors.

On this Page:

In Doors, you can lock and unlock doors, open and close garage doors, and add and remove deadbolts and garage doors. Each tile on the Doors page represents one door, including deadbolts, access control doors, and garage doors.

Quick Reference

The icons available to you vary depending on the types of doors you have. If you have access control doors, your profile affects what icons are available to you.




Locks the door.


Unlocks the door.


Unlocks the door for five seconds.


Opens the garage door.


Closes the garage door.


Initiates a Lockdown.


Z-Wave Locks.png

Z-Wave Deadbolt

Tiles with a Lock (key icon for Doors).pngKey icon are your Z-Wave deadbolts.

A Z-Wave deadbolt replaces a traditional deadbolt with an automated deadbolt and a keypad. You can lock and unlock deadbolts by:

  • Entering a valid code on the keypad.

  • Using a traditional key.

  • Through Virtual Keypad.

Locks Doors Annotated.png

Lock and Unlock a Deadbolt

To unlock a deadbolt, tap Unlocked.pngUnlock. To lock a lock, tap Locked.pngLock.

If you want to lock and unlock your deadbolt automatically, add it to a favorite, then add the favorite to a schedule.

Add a Deadbolt

  1. Go to Doors.

  2. Tap + Lock.

  3. Enter a name for the new deadbolt, then tap the arrow.

  4. Follow the prompts on your screen to add the deadbolt.

Remove a Deadbolt

  1. Go to Doors.

  2. Tap the Down arrow.png Down Arrow next to the deadbolt you want to remove.

  3. Select Remove. A dialog pops up to confirm your decision.

  4. Select Confirm. The deadbolt is removed.

Rename a Deadbolt

  1. Go to Doors.

  2. Tap the Down arrow.png Down Arrow next to the deadbolt you want to rename.

  3. Select Rename.

  4. Enter the new name.

  5. Tap the Check Mark to save your changes.

Deadbolt Battery Status

To view the battery status of a deadbolt, find the battery symbol to the right of its name. Hover your cursor over the battery symbol to view its percentage.

Battery low (0).png—Battery is at 0% and needs to be charged.

Battery low (20).png—Battery is at low capacity and should be charged.

and Battery Medium (57).png—Battery is at around medium capacity.

Battery full.png —Battery is fully charged.

Access Control Doors



Reader with Keypad.png

Reader with Keypad

Key Fob.png

Key Fob (Credentials)

Tiles with a Door.png Door icon are your access control doors.

An access control door is a door that controls who can lock and unlock it and when. You can unlock access control doors by:

  • Holding valid credentials, like a key fob, to the door’s reader.

  • Entering a valid user code on the reader’s keypad.

  • Through Virtual Keypad.

Access Control Doors Annotated.png

Lock and Unlock Access Control Doors

Your profile determines which access control doors you can lock and unlock and when. Only the doors you can control are visible to you in Virtual Keypad.

To unlock an access control door, tap the Unlocked.png Unlock icon. To lock an access control door, tap Locked.png Lock. To unlock an access control door for five seconds, tap Access.png.

If you want to lock and unlock an access control door automatically, add the door to a schedule.

Add, Remove, and Rename Access Control Doors

Your security provider adds, removes, and renames access control doors.


The Lockdown feature enables you to lock your public doors with a single button. Public doors include access control doors and deadbolts that were programmed as public doors by your security provider. If your garage door is programmed as a public door, it will automatically close during a Lockdown.

Your profile and system type determine whether you can initiate and end a Lockdown.

To initiate a Lockdown:

  1. Go to Doors.

  2. Tap Lockdown.png.

To end a Lockdown:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Tap Sensor Reset.

Garage Doors

Garage door controller product.png

Tiles with a Garage Door.png Garage Door icon are your Z-Wave garage door controllers.

Garage Door Annotated.png

Open and Close a Garage Door

To open a garage door, tap OPEN. To close a garage door, tap CLOSE.

If you want to open and close your garage door automatically, add it to a favorite, then add the favorite to a schedule.

Add a Garage Door

  1. Go to Doors.

  2. Tap + Garage Door.

  3. Enter a name for the new garage door, then tap the forward arrow.

  4. Follow the prompts on your screen to add the garage door.

Remove a Garage Door

  1. Go to Doors.

  2. Tap the Down arrow.png Down Arrow next to the garage door you want to remove.

  3. Select Remove. A dialog pops up to confirm your decision.

  4. Select Confirm. The garage door is removed.

Rename a Garage Door

  1. Go to Doors.

  2. Tap the Down arrow.png Down Arrow next to the garage door you want to rename.

  3. Select Rename.

  4. Enter the new name.

  5. Tap the Check Mark to save your changes.

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